
Become a Member

Thanks to our members and volunteers, last year was great for the Leelanau County Democratic Party. We can make this year even better!

To make it possible to do more, we are asking you to give an additional donation over the $20 membership dues if you can.

You can join the party, renew your support, or make a donation to the Leelanau Democratic Party through our secure online partner

ACTBLUE. Just click on the links provided to make your online contribution using a credit card or PayPal. You may also mail your application and a check to the address above.

Thanks to our members and volunteers, last year was a great year for the Leelanau County Democratic Party. We can make this year even better!

We are asking you to give an additional donation over the $20 membership dues if you can.

Membership Dues start at $20 per person per calendar year, January 1 through December 31.
Contributions are not US Tax deductible.