


Call to Convention

Call to Convention


WHAT: Leelanau County DemocratIc Party Fall  Convention

WHEN: November 17, 10am until 12 Noon

WHERE:  Munnecke Rm, (adjacent to Leland Library), Leland

WHO:  All are welcome. To vote, see Eligibility criteria below.

WHY: Elect Officers of the Leelanau County Democratic Party

Leelanau County Democratic Party Convention Agenda:

A. Call to Order

B. Election of Permanent Convention Chair
(This is the person who will chair the convention)

C. Appointment of Convention Secretary 

(This will be the official record keeper of the convention. This person will also be responsible for sending minutes and results to the State Party)

D. Credential Report 

(This is a report out of all credentialed delegates for the convention)

E. Rules Report (This will be the time to review and accept voting procedure for the convention)

F. Election of County Officers

G Good & Welfare

G. Adjournment

Eligibility to Vote:

Article IV Sections B & C of the Michigan Democratic Party (MDP) and Rules and Article II Section E of the Grand Traverse Democratic Party (GTDems) stipulate that in order to vote at convention a person must be a member of both MDP and the Leelanau County Democratic Party for 30 days prior to the meeting. 

Gwenne Allgaier

P.O. Box 215

Empire, MI  49630
[email protected]
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