


2019 Ho!

2019 Ho!

Happy New Year to All……It has been an honor to serve the Leelanau Democratic Party as Chair for the last two years.  Our Party has a hard working and dedicated Leadership Team, whose members do the year around work to make all of our events happen and run smoothly, raise funds for our candidates, organize and work for our elections, write excellent letters, run food drives and highway clean ups, maintain our website and facebook page….. etc…….and who have helped to turn our County Purple.  Our Vice Chair, Fred Cepela,  and I are stepping down now – our excellent Treasurer David Jeris and Secretary Amanda Elliott will continue to serve.  Fred has served as Vice Chair for 10 years, and he would like to focus on campaign and candidate issues – which I will be doing too.      Jeff Kessler, who lives in Elmwood Township, and has been active in the Indivisible movement, will now serve as our Chair – Jeff brings rich experience and lots of creative ideas.  Brigid Hart will serve as Vice Chair – she has done a spectacular job on our newsletter – we are lucky that both of these extremely creative people are willing to serve us.  Jeff is presently in Oregon with his wife Susan, helping to care for their grandchildren until Feb 7, Brigid Hart is filling in for him until his return……you’ll be hearing from Jeff soon from this email address.   I want to thank all of our members for their support (and btw, have you joined for 2019??  Go to our website!)   We have a lot of work to do for 2020, and we are starting it now.  People came out to vote in this last election, and those votes will make a difference – in our State and in the US House.  Now we need to elect a President who will restore the rule of law in our nation – this too will be a critical election.  I am grateful we have a strong team, and we need all of the help we can get.  Please send in your dues for 2019 ( we are very frugal with your donations – they go to our candidates)…..spread the word and get your friends to join!     Let’s make the 2020 election one that we can tell our grandchildren turned the tide in this great country back towards Democracy……and how proud we were to help make that happen! Thank you for all that you do.

 Gwenne Allgaier
Leelanau County Democratic Party

P.O. Box 215
Empire, MI  49630
[email protected]
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