


Indivisible Update

Indivisible Update

Subject: Leelanau Indivisible Activist Actions Monday, August 24

Hello Indivisibles:

Our work is ever so much more important with a mere 70 days until the election. Before we share some activities going on this week and beyond, we wanted to share these sobering statistics from a recent poll done by Civiq/Rust Best Rising.
In this poll, Biden leads Trump in Michigan by a very, very thin margin 49%-46% with 3% saying they will vote for “someone else” and 1% unsure.  That’s scary.  
Voters said they’ll be making their decisions this fall based on how a candidate’s economic policies will affect them, and on the candidate’s personal values and handling of COVID. 
People remain concerned about health care but there’s an increase in anxiety about mortgages and rent.  Bills are looming for people and the Federal government left town instead of helping them.  
Regionally, people prefer state and local Democrats over Republicans by 1% to rebuild the economy from COVID.  It remains to be seen how the Republicans spin the economy in this week’s convention. Nonetheless, this is a talking point for us to keep in mind when we are talking to neighbors, family and friends.  Let’s keep at it.
If you would like a copy of this study, please e-mail [email protected] and we’ll get a copy of this study to you.
Phone banking, postcard and letter writing, calling and faxing our representatives, and social media posting are all powerful tools in our arsenal right now.  Here are some powerful things you can participate in this week:

  • Keep communicating to the USPS Board of Governors how important the Post Office is to all of us.  Postmaster General DeJoy testified to the House that he will not order the reinstallation of the sorting machines that were removed. Only that no further dismantling of the USPS would occur.  This prompted some postal workers to go rogue and reinstall sorting machines on their own. They need our help!

Let’s send a separate e-mail to each of the following USPS Board of Governors members and ask them these kinds of questions in your own words:

  • Would you ask a fireman to go into a burning building without a hose?
  • Would you ask a policeman to do their job without a radio?
  • Would you ask an employee who works at your business to toss out their computer and conduct business with a paper and pen?
  • If the answer is no, then why in the world would you ask a postal employee to work without a high speed mail sorting machine?
  • Remind them that they have a fiduciary responsibility to the American people whose tax dollars support the USPS and to take firm action to restore sorting machines immediately.
  • Remind them that free and FAIR elections are in peril when the efficacy of the USPS is hampered.
  • Tell them you didn’t just fall off the turnip truck and you see what this Administration is doing.
  • Tell them to FIX it. 

Last week when we sent thousands of e-mails to these men, the dismantling of the USPS halted immediately.  We made a difference.  Let’s do it again.  
Here are the names and e-mails of the men who have the power to get this done:
Robert Duncan, President & CEO of Inez Deposit Bank, Inez, KY & Chairman of the USPS Board of Governors: [email protected]
John Barger, Managing Director of NorthernCross Partners, barger,[email protected]
Ron Bloom, Vice Chairman & Managing Partner, Brookfield Asset Management, [email protected]
Roman Martinez IV, serves on many boards besides the USPS, [email protected]
Donald Moak, CEO of The Moak Group, [email protected]
William Zollers, serves on many boards, [email protected]
These guys HATE being contacted, HATE having their e-mail boxes filled up with messages. They just want to get their paycheck and go home. But remind them their reputations are on the line.

  • Coffee & Conversations, Tuesday August 25 9 am-10 am. Join this java juiced up group and have lively discourse on what is happening.

Register in advance for this meeting:

  • We need volunteers to call Michigan residents who are not registered to vote at their current address.  Join me and other Leelanau Indivisible members Tuesday, August 25 at 6 pm.  Use this link to sign up:
  • Pints & Politics, Thursday, August 27, 7 pm.  If you can tear yourself away from watching the Republican National Convention, I promise this is way more fun:  

Register in advance for this meeting:

Thank you for all you do to help resist the actions of the most corrupt, evil, and despicable man ever to hold the office of President.