Approved in the General Membership Meeting of 6/1/2019
added clause in italics
Section D: Election of Officers and Delegates at Large
1. Within thirty (30) days following the Fall Convention, in even numbered years, the Executive Committee, acting without the officers of the LCDP who are not otherwise members of the Executive Committee, shall meet and elect a temporary chairperson and temporary secretary. The temporary officers shall serve only during the election of the officers of the Executive Committee, who shall also serve as the officers of the LCDP for the two (2) years beginning on the following January 1. The officers shall be a Chairperson or, a Vice-Chairperson of the opposite sex to the Chairperson, a Secretary and a Treasurer, unless (2) LCDP members decide to share the duties of Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer or Secretary of the LCDP, in which case the election of Co Chairs, Co Vice Chairs, Co Treasurers or Co Secretaries will be held. There shall be no requirement for Co Chairs, Co Vice Chairs, Co Secretaries or Co Treasurers to be of opposite sex, except that at least one Vice Chair must be of the opposite sex to at least one of the Co Chairs or Chair. Each officer shall have a vote on the Executive Committee. A candidate for legislative office whose district comprises more than one (1) county may give a written proxy to any other member of the Executive Committee.