Hello Indivisibles!
It’s 99 days to the election! We are on the home stretch.
Here’s what is going on now:
- Tuesday, July 28, 9 a.m. Coffee and Conversation. Leelanau Indivisible Steering Committee members welcome all to drop by and have a cuppa Joe and discuss whatever is on your mind. Register here:
- Tuesday, July, 28 1 p.m. Join us for a special Indivisible/Swing Left 1000 Hours To Win. Connie Meyer from Swing Left will be talking about ways to engage and win in these last 100 days to the election. To help Governor Whitmer, we need to flip the State House and get the gridlock out of Lansing government. Learn what you can do to help get Dan O’Neil from the Michigan 104th District and Beth McGill-Rizer from the Michigan 101st District elected by using your phone and your talents to persuade friends and neighbors here to vote for honesty, integrity and ACTION here in Northern Michigan.
- Thursday, July 30 7 p.m. It is Pints and Politics. This is a fun, after hours gathering where we have some laughs and share a pint together. Register in advance for this meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYsdeqhrj0iHtYyBoaFXFu3IIcBWCrMabZt
- Rust Belt Rising and Civitech are joining forces to provide volunteers with lists of left-leaning Michigan residents who are not yet registered to vote.They are mailing an application to them along with a postage-paid return envelope. People are much more likely to register to vote if they get a follow up contact and Rust Belt Rising is looking for volunteers to call or text these potential Michigan voters about completing their voter registration application so they can vote this November. This project was tried in Texas and had a 30% conversion rate!!!!! Their goal…our goal…is to get 8 million registered voters in Michigan.
I found this video very helpful. It’s about 8 minutes in length and explains the program: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/play/vJJ5cLupp2g3TICRsQSDB6N-W428Lv-s1yZIrPQEnR62UCMDZ1umN7MWa7ZiZZXoUlCkXS7lwY_nWkFV
We hope you’ll watch and then volunteer to help. (You may need to copy and paste the URLs in to your browser)
Fill out this form to register as a volunteer for Rust Belt Rising phone banking: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfVWar0AQosvsk7rVNvycToCOO3LCQiQbrOqIPG_jbCXPv6YQ/viewform
And attend this phone banking training on August 8 at 10 a.m. Registration is required: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYkfu-rrzIvGdXphHOZd18KgGkuzyyWp0RT
Interested in texting potential voters? Fill out this form to register as a volunteer for text banking also on August 8 but at 4 p.m.: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScj3ZKdtiCL-HBuKz-RcvMd4qvr89GuKbunW1r0DONTKF9-Ew/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1
And attend this training event. Texting begins immediately following the training: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwoduivrjsjHNVbmPNchZi3KVcf7pbqO_nq
- I am sorry but not surprised to report that the red team is resorting to dirty tricks and intimidation tactics already. Not as horrible as Portland, but concerning enough to start mentioning it. Vehicles with tinted windows have been reported filming some of our outdoor activities and yard signs are being stolen. I downloaded MI Justice (app is called Mobile Justice – Michigan) and recommend you consider doing so as well. This app is designed to use your smart device to record what you witness and report it to the ACLU of Michigan. Handy to have…just in case.
Be healthy and be safe.