Subject: Leelanau Indivisible/State Wide Indivisible Michigan Meeting Registration Saturday, August 8, 10 a.m. 8 Million Michigan Voter Project
Date: August 5, 2020 at 6:31:00 PM EDT
To: Victoria Gutowski <[email protected]>
Leelanau Indivisibles and Traverse Area Indivisibles:
We have the Michigan Primary behind us and the announcement of the Biden running mate soon. There is excitement all around!
This Saturday at 10 a.m. in lieu of our regularly scheduled meeting, we are asking you to attend the following meeting instead. We wouldn’t ask if we didn’t feel this was more important than what we originally planned. We will offer a local meet the candidate forum on August 11 so save the date on your calendar now.
But we digress. Here is the link to attend this Saturday’s training:
Help Michiganders get registered to vote from home.
This is why we think this is incredibly worthwhile your time and why we would love to have you get involved:
- Statewide Indivisible Michigan (SWIM), Rust Belt Rising, and Register2Vote are teaming up on “8 Million Michigan Voters,” a project to increase the number of registered voters in Michigan over that threshold during the months of August and September. The program aims to add more voters to the rolls than Michigan’s margin of difference in the 2016 election.
- We know that in Michigan there are an unbelievable 251,100 residents who are unregistered. This program could net, overall 45,000 registrations from individuals who would not have otherwise registered to vote this year. Trump won Michigan by only 10,704 votes! In Leelanau County that equates to 2,577 residents and in Grand Traverse County there are 3,487. Of that, Register2Vote/Civitech estimates 1,289 are leaning Democrat in Leelanau County and 1,744 lean Democrat in Grand Traverse. Think how wonderful that would be if we could get them registered!
- Voter registration rates have plummeted around the country during COVID-19. We want to get more people registered because they will be more likely to vote and they will get the communications from their Secretary of State and campaigns about how to do so safely.
- What’s more, this kind of registration targeting was tried in Texas and was successful in getting support for Beto O’Rourke. They know this works.
The organization Register2Vote is mailing targeted unregistered Michiganders a voter registration application with accompanying information. We are calling (or for those of you who are phone bank averse, you can text bank instead) those targets about completing that registration and sending in the application with the postage provided, or doing so online. The training will get you comfortable using the virtual phone banking or text banking and helping people get registered to vote in Michigan.
Sign up to be part of the project launch and training this Saturday, August 8, 10 a.m.
Please, please consider joining.
On another activism note, for those of you who signed up for the Unlock Michigan petitions, you may have gotten yours in the mail today. This picture shows how to handle the “recall the Governor” petitions once they are in your house.
Hope to see you Saturday, 10 a.m. for SWIM/Rust Belt Rising 8 Million Michigan Michigan Voters event.