


from Gwenne: Important Action All Can Take

from Gwenne: Important Action All Can Take

I just found this info on where to call on Facebook, and I called. easy. Below is my fb post………Gwenne
Happy Thanksgiving, all!!
Computer experts are suspecting hacking on voter machines in Wisconsin, Mi and Pa……and voter suppression was obvious in N Carolina, Fla and Wisconsin.
Here is an important action we can all take, I just called it’s dead easy, it takes just a couple minutes: The Department of Justice is tallying phone calls regarding those who want the 2016 Vote Audited. A shift of just 55,000 Trump votes to Hillary in PA, MI & WI is all that is needed to win. They are starting to recognize there really is something off about the election results as they come in. Considering everything that is at stake, a vote audit should be done. Call the DOJ public comment line at 202-514-2000 ex: 4 and leave your message. Here’s a good script to follow: “My name is ___, and I’m a registered voter in (your state). I’m urging you to support the call to audit the vote and investigate voter suppression, particularly in North Carolina, Florida and Wisconsin.” SHARE THIS WHERE POSSIBLE. COPY AND PASTE. SPREAD THE WORD I just called and it took less than a minute. Please Call.