


From Gwenne: Important Upcoming Events

From Gwenne: Important Upcoming Events

Gwenne Halbert Allgaier
January 4 at 2:27pm
We have a right wing carbon agenda coming at us, and we need to hit them hard, and early…..and LET THEM KNOW that WE the PEOPLE WILL FIGHT TO PROTECT OUR HARD EARNED RIGHTS!!


January 09, 2017 at 4:30 PM to 5:45 PM at Senator Debbie Stabenow’s Office 3335 S. Airport Road West, Suite 6B, Traverse City January 9, 2017 is being called “Day Against Denial”. There are gatherings all over the country to call out our Senators to do the right thing and reject the nominations, and to have direct conversation with the Senator’s staff to pass along the message that we, as constituents and voters, do not accept Trump’s dangerous nominations. More info at

JANUARY 15, 2017…….2:00:


CONGRESS WANTS TO CUT THE ACA/MEDICARE/MEDICAID – Bernie Sander’s is calling for countrywide rallies to tell Congress to leave them alone!!

Sunday Jan 15
TC Chamber of Commerce
Grandview & Cass

Let’s show Congress they CANNOT take basic rights from WE, the People!!!

We will meet, rally briefly, and march down Front St!!

Saturday, January 21:

“We are Watching” If you are interested in rallying on Saturday, Jan. 21, 2017, in conjunction with the Women’s March in DC, and across the country, come join us. We will meet in Traverse City from noon until 4. We’ll start at noon at the parking area by the Chamber of Commerce (Cass Street and Grandview Parkway, downtown TC). Bring posters and clothing appropriate for the outside weather. We will walk around the Parkway and Downtown and will then head over to the Workshop Brewery at 1:45 for a follow up meeting. This is an apolitical gathering, peaceful and respectful. The purpose is to let our elected officials know that we are watching their actions and words to make sure that they reflect a positive influence on our safety and welfare. More on FB at