


Trumpian Corruption

Trumpian Corruption

This was e-mailed to me by an expat friend in Canada who moved there in the sixties & never came back. Interesting speculation.  And credible: I think it is hard to underestimate the venality of the current regime. 

GOOD FRIEND!  I wonder if there are very many senators who do not see the
obvious linkage of self-interest between the DeVos expenditures on
behalf of DT, the huge hotel networks for which Trump has “purchasers first
rights” regarding soaps, toiletries, linens, etc., the interest of the DeVos
soap people in promoting the replacement of public schools with private

schools (whose purchasing activities are far less open to public purview in
so far as gymnasium and cleaning products needs are concerned), and the
sudden prickle of “ah-has!” that have spread among not only Democrats
but also Republicans regarding Mrs. DeVos taking over the education office
field.  Apart from the direct lines of self-interest links there, one might also
wonder if Colgate, Proctor & Gamble, Avon, and all of the other huge soap
and toiletry supply networks (think Big Pharma) are all that eager to see the
oversight of school systems turned over to their Amway competitor’s wife!!
That even Republicans of a middle stripe coloration see something not
quite kosher in this situation surely shows up in the USA, just as it has for
many years in Canada, Ontario, Quebec, etc. where distrust of the whole
Amway approach has been rife over the years! …Perhaps something to
think about as the vote upon her nomination takes place on Tuesday of
this week! (Indeed, the influx of De Vos monies into Canadian politics over
the years against Liberals and in favour of Conservatives was very closely
documented by CBC, TVO, and other news bodies here, where of course
our paper products industries have tended to be more Liberal in bias.)  I
am not saying politics is a land of “absence of self-interests,” as some other
more innocent or naive folk might maintain.  …But, if an egg smells like an
egg, looks like an egg, and goes “cheep, cheap!” methinks it is an egg!!