![]() ![]() ![]() Please see the following regarding Absentee Ballot questions from http://michiganvoting.orgFAQ’s on Absentee VotingWhat if I want to vote before Election Day, but have not requested an absentee ballot yet? Visit your city/township clerk’s office as soon as possible, fill out an application for an absentee ballot, and submit it to the staff. Complete the ballot while you’re in the office, place it in the envelope provided, sign the outside of the envelope with your official signature, and submit it to the staff. What if I requested an absentee ballot but never received it? Prior to Election Day, visit your city/township clerk’s office as soon as possible to cancel your first absentee ballot and request a new one. The deadline to do this is Monday, August 3, 2020 by 4 p.m. On Election Day, you can go to your polling place, complete a simple form indicating you never received your absentee ballot and vote. What if I received my absentee ballot, but then made a mistake on it, I lost it, or it was destroyed? Visit your city/township clerk’s office as soon as possible to cancel your first absentee ballot and request a new one. If you still have the absentee ballot, because you made a mistake or it was only partially destroyed, take it with you. The deadline to do this is Monday, August 3, 2020 by 4 p.m. Or you can go to your polling place on Election Day, fill out a form and vote. If you have the absentee ballot, because you made a mistake or it was only partially destroyed, take it with you. What if I have my absentee ballot, but I don’t have enough time to mail it back to my clerk? Your absentee ballot must be RECEIVED by your city/township clerk by 8 p.m. on August 4, 2020 to be counted. To be sure it arrives on time, you should bring your completed absentee ballot to your city/township clerk’s office or deposit it into a drop box provided by your clerk. You can call or email your city/township clerk to find out whether they have a drop box. To find your city/township clerk’s contact info, you can visit www.mi.gov/vote. What if I have my absentee ballot but decide to vote in person on Election Day? If you decided not to vote by absentee ballot, take your absentee ballot to your polling place on Election Day and surrender it. You will then be issued a new ballot that you can vote in the polling location. What if I mailed my absentee ballot to my city/township clerk, but I am concerned that it won’t arrive in time? You can track your absentee ballot at the Michigan Voter Information Center – www.mi.gov/vote – to see if your clerk has received it. If your absentee ballot has not been marked as “received,” visit your clerk’s office, ask to spoil your original absentee ballot, and request a new ballot. The deadline to do this is Monday, August 3, 2020 by 4 p.m. Where is my city/township clerk’s office, and when is it open? You can find the location, hours, and contact info for your city/township clerk at the Michigan Voter Information Center – www.mi.gov/vote. (Click on the “Your Clerk” tab on the left-hand side and then “Search By Address”). Or call the nonpartisan Election Protection hotline at 866-OUR-VOTE. Where is my polling location? You can find your polling location at the Michigan Voter Information Center – www.mi.gov/vote. Or call the nonpartisan Election Protection hotline at 866-OUR-VOTE.LCDP P.O. Box 215 Empire, MI 49630 [email protected] Visit LCDP Website http://www.leelanaudemocrats.org Make Online & Monthly Contributions https://secure.actblue.com/contribute/page/lcdp2 Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/groups/leelanaudemocrats/ LCDP Facebook Bazaar https://www.facebook.com/groups/612850232658821/ If the above links don’t work with a click, please copy and paste them into the browser. |