


Let’s Elect Progressives

Let’s Elect Progressives

Begin forwarded message:

From: Leelanau Dems
Date: August 19, 2018 at 9:38:03 PM EDT
Subject: Let’s Elect Progressives!

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Leelanau came through for Matt Morgan and Kathy Wiejaczka in the Primary! Thank you for your votes and for spreading the word! Leelanau contributed 2670 write in votes for Matt Morgan!

Now the real work begins…..we have an incredible slate of candidates – Matt Morgan, Kathy Wiejaczka, Debbie Stabenow, Gretchen Whitmer, Dana Nessel and our fine County Commission candidates…..but we’ll have to work hard to make that happen.

Having face to face conversations with voters is the most effective way of getting people to vote for our candidates. We knock on doors, and we tell people about our great candidates…’s fun and we meet good people.

Will you help? Please? We desperately need change in both Washington and Lansing – and we have candidates who will fight for us. But WE need to fight too – to get them elected!

Cindy Hollenbeck is organizing Leelanau’s canvasses, for both campaigns. You can email her at [email protected], or meet her at the Leelanau Dems office in Suttons Bay on mondays from 10 til 1. Or, you can call me at 231 633 1800, or reply to this email.

Leelanau Democratic Party office: 101 E Dame St, Ste #1. Dame St is across from Martinson Funeral Home, and between the gas station and the Roman Wheel. The office is in the Millside Bldg – walk up the ramp, we are the first office on the right.

Hope you will help get Matt and Kathy and our other terrific candidates elected! Hope to hear from you!

Gwenne Allgaier
Chair, LCDP

P.O. Box 215
Empire, MI 49630
[email protected]
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