Subject: Photo Request/ LCDP Dinner

Hi Team!The LCDP Dinner Committe would like to have some great photos to put into frames that will set on the tables for our Dems Dinner in May at the Bluebird. The frames are 5X7. We will highlight the things that our Leelanau Dems are involved in, such as:-Food Drives-Road Clean Up-Volunteerism (State/Bijou Theaters)-Serving on Committees in the County-Senior Services-Women’s March -Social Events (Dish with the Dems)-PD’S (Precinct Delegates)-Dish With the Dems-Canvassing. Any photos that you might have that will help us tell the story of our Dems in action! The photos may be still life and/or action photos. If you have photos that you think would work let Dorothy Mudget know at:[email protected]
Our dinner is Thursday, May 28 so, the Dinner Committee would like the photos by March 31, 2020 which will allow them time to search for more if we don’t have a good response.
Thank You!Brigid