Leelanau County Democratic Party Spring Convention
We will: consider resolutions to be considered at the Michigan Democratic Committee Spring Endorsement Convention; and make appointments to the Rules, Resolutions and Credentials Committees (one male opening on each committee, 3 male, 3 female alternate openings).
10 am, Saturday March 3, 2018
Munneke Rm, adjacent to the Leland Library
“Delegates to County and District Conventions shall be the Precinct Delegates who were duly elected at the Primary Election held August 2, 2016, the nominees for County and Legislative office as set forth in Party Rules Article 5C, and members of the Michigan Democratic party whose membership was renewed at least 30 days prior to the County Convention. Precinct Delegates, Democratic elected officials and Democratic nominees to partisan offices may become members that day when they register at the County Convention.”
Michigan Democratic Party Spring 2018 Endorsement Convention
April 15, 2018, 9am – 5pm, Cobo Hall, Detroit
Purpose of this convention will be to offer the Party’s endorsement to statewide candidates for Attorney General, Secretary of State and State Supreme Court
One must be a member of the Michigan Democratic Party at least 30 days prior to the MDP Spring Convention to be able to vote, or a candidate or Precinct Delegate in order to vote at the MDP Convention. Leelanau County has 14 votes – please join us in Detroit for the MDP Convention!
Gwenne Allgaier
Chair, Leelanau County Democratic Party