I am running for County Commission this year to represent District 6 – Empire, Glen Arbor and Cleveland Townships. Our current Commissioner, Peachy Rentenbach, is choosing to retire. This is an important race – we need a quorum of thoughtful, (not partisan) voices on our Commission to work for affordable housing for our families, clean drinking water, expanding broadband, and protecting the Early Childhood program that was voted in by Leelanau residents. I hope I will have your vote in November!
We, as candidates, need to raise more money this year, as we will have to rely more on mailings and advertisements. I hope you will go to my website for more info, like my facebook page (if you do facebook), and spread the word to your friends. Learn more https://gwenneallgaierforcountycommissioner.co
Donate onlinehttps://gwenneallgaierforcountycommissioner.co (look for the Act Blue donation button)
Donate by mailwrite a check to: Gwenne Allgaier for County Commissioner PO Box 108, Maple City, Mi 49664
Like my facebook page: Gwenne Allgaier for County Commissioner
If you are willing to hold a Zoom Coffee or Zoom Happy Hour with some of your friends, let me know – this is a very different campaign year!
Thank you for your support,