


Indivisible Update

Indivisible Update

Sent: Mon, Jun 22, 2020 8:31 pm
Subject: Leelanau Indivisibles Activist Actions Week of June 22, 2020

Hello Leelanau Indivisibles:
Here’s what we have in store for you this week:

  • Tuesday, 9 a.m., Coffee and Conversations (or as Donald Trump would say, “Covfefe” & Conversations).  This is our version of office hours where you grab a cuppa Joe and spend some time talking about what’s going on in your life or just what you’d like to see at upcoming Leelanau Indivisible Meetings.  

Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

  • Thursday, 7 p.m., Pints & Politics (or as John Hunter calls it, “Booze and BBQ”).  More office hours, but happy hour.  Grab your favorite brew, cocktail or mocktail and spend an hour of laughter and serious talk…wherever the road leads us.

Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

  • The security of our elections is so important so if you want to be “boots on the ground” to make sure all registered voters are able to cast a ballot in the November election, sign up to be a paid poll worker.  While we all enjoy the fact that Indivisible is non-partisan, the caveat is that you do have to declare yourself as a Democrat or Republican in order to be a poll worker. And you don’t have to work a poll in your township/precinct.  You can apply to work in another district.  Here is a link to learn more:,4670,7-127-5647_12539_29836-182653–,00.html
  • Racial Justice!  Whatever you can do to further the constructive dialog on the equality of all people—do it! There are so many avenues to pursue on this topic.  Here’s an interesting fact:  The District of Columbia is more densely populated than both Vermont and Wyoming.  And where am I going with this?  Because of the 700,000 people living in D.C. 46% are black or people of color.  If D.C. were to be granted statehood, it would be the only state in the nation to have a plurality of black residents.  Currently, they are treated unequally because unlike their neighbors,  they lack equal voting rights.  They can elect their own officials, but the Federal Government can override their will at any time.  So let’s call our Representative Jack Bergman (202) 225-4735 or (231) 714-4785 and demand he vote YES for D.C. Statehood.  Then call Senator Stabenow (202) 224-4822 and Senator Peters (202) 224-6221 and demand they co-sponsor a D.C. Statehood Bill.  Check out this resource on why D.C. statehood is a racial justice issue:

And don’t forget, you can make your voice heard with a free fax sent from your computer: for Jack Bergman and for Senators Stabenow and Peters.

  • Stay safe out there.  We don’t know which visitors might be bringing the virus with them so wash your hands, wear a mast (and cover your nose and mouth), and stay 6 feet apart.  I know it’s hard and I miss a good hug as much as the next person…But don’t give in to pandemic fatigue!