


Meet & Greet for Lisa Dirado

Meet & Greet for Lisa Dirado

Please see the following invitation to a Meet & Greet for Lisa Dirado, Candidate for MDP Chair:

Lisa Dirado

Saturday, January 12, 2019, 10:00 am to Noon: Traverse City – Northwestern Michigan College’s University Center, 2200 Dendrinos Drive, Traverse City, MI, room UC 212 The University Center is on Boardman Lake off of Cass Road , just north of South Airport Road. Sponsored by the Kalkaska County Democratic Party.

We are inviting all county chairs and active Democrats as well as other groups such as Indivisible to attend and talk with Lisa about the future of the Michigan Democratic Party.  Lisa wants a broader, more inclusive party, not one that listens and supports only the large party organizations in Southeast Michigan. Lisa is traveling all over Michigan to meet with Democrats like us; smaller party groups that care just as much about our future and want to help make a difference.   

We especially want MDP members who are planning to attend the MDP Convention in Detroit on February 2, 2019 to attend one of these sessions.  If you are not a paid party member by January 2, 2019, or an elected official or party officer, you will not be eligible to vote at the convention. Go to to join or renew.  

Hope to see you all in January. 
Seth Phillips
[email protected]