
Frances Perkins Annual Picnic A BIG Success!

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Never say die!
I was there … alive as all of you
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Our Leaders
Food Drive Results
Our Saturday Nov 12 Food Drives collected the following: Anderson’s (Glen Arbor): $544 8 boxes and 2...
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Our Leaders
Fired Up? Let's Get Going!!!!
 Dear Dem Friends, Wow — we got a really unpleasant surprise on election day!  But guess what...
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What to do now?
Lots of people (including Michael Moore) are suggesting action.  Maybe some of us older folks need a...
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Joe Hill ... 100 years after Joe Hill’s Will Written just before he was executed...
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Dan Scripps v. Dark Money & Very vice versa
Please take a moment to read the message below.  The use of extremely dark money to promote outright...
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Our Leaders
Here Goes!
You may have noticed this website has changed,  New & Improved & still FREE!  And DEMOCRATIC!! Also,...
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Our Leaders
Don't believe everything you hear ...
. . . . . because if you heard that we were NOT going to have a Leadership Team meeting this coming Saturday,...
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